By SHIVAM VIJ In a damning revelation, a Right to Information application has revealed the Jihadi Literature that Delhi Police recovered from amongst the belongings of the slain terrorists killed in an encounter at Batla House in Delhi two years ago. The hateful, provocative and extremist nature of the recovered literature should be a matter […]
Baba Ramdev donated Rs 11 lakh to BJP ahead of 2009 elections

A Right to Information query reveals how Baba Ramdev’s Haridwar-based Patanjali Ayurveda Limited donated Rs 11 lakh to the BJP just before the general elections of 2009. The BJP is downplaying the donation. Ramdev has been eyeing a political makeover and recently launched a campaign against black money. By Neetu CHandRA “Political affiliations? Me? No, no.” […]
WikiLeaks: The Global Intelligence Files

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, […]
Dying for data: the Indian activist killed for asking too many questions

By Jason Burke Shashidhar Mishra was always a curious man. Neighbours in the scruffy industrial town of Baroni, in the northern Indian state of Bihar, called him “kabri lal” or “the news man” because he was always so well informed. Late every evening, the 35-year-old street hawker would sit down with his files and scribble notes. […]
Reining In The Dirty Harrys

Though there are adequate laws to deal with the growing phenomenon of encounter killings all over the country, an obvious decline in social, political and institutional mores appear to create acceptance for it by Ajay K Mehra THE ‘ENCOUNTER’ killing of Soharabuddin Sheikh, a history-sheeter criminal, and his wife Kausar Bi by a Gujarat Police team […]
PMO discloses expenses on publications

By Express News Service NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) spent around Rs 12 lakh during 2009-2010 on newspapers and periodicals that it subscribes to for its officials. The disclosure was made in reply to an application made under the Right to Information (RTI) Act by activist Afroz Alam Sahil, asking the number of newspapers […]
PM’s newspaper bill: Rs 11 lakh

By Jasleen Kaur The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has spent Rs 11,92,910 on subsription of 45 magazines and 43 daily newspapers for 2009-10. Afroz Alam Sahil, an RTI journalist, received this information in response to a Right to Information query. PMO’s total expenditure on magazines and newspapers comes to an average of more than Rs 99,000 […]
Never visited Batla site, says NHRC

The National Human Rights Commission has conceded that it did not visit the site of the Batla House encounter even once during its 11- month long probe. By Aman Sharma The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has conceded that it did not visit the site of the Batla House encounter even once during its 11-month long […]

By NIVEDITA MENON Statement by Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association Days after the startling revelation of the post mortem reports of Atif Ameen and Md. Sajid, which conclusively nailed the lie of the Delhi Police claims that the two boys were killed in cross fire, the security establishment has swung into damage control to ensure that no […]
The Unstoppable RTI Maverick

Afroz Alam Sahil’s latest breakthrough can tell you all you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about the Batla House encounter. By Pallavi Polanki Afroz Alam Sahil’s latest breakthrough can tell you all you wanted to know about the Batla House encounter. Every generation needs heroes. We, however, seem to have preferred money. There […]